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[mhc:01171] Re: 曜日を漢字にする方法

From: KOIE Hidetaka (鯉江英隆) <hide@xxxxxxxx> さん曰く
Subject: [mhc:01170] 曜日を漢字にする方法
Message-ID: <00Dec24.163737jst.29572@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2000 16:37:36 +0900

鯉江> スケージュル表示で
鯉江> 曜日を漢字にする方法はありますか。

鯉江> 設定方法を発見できなかったので、.emacsで
鯉江> (eval-after-load "mhc-day"
鯉江>   '(defun mhc-day-day-of-week-as-string (dayinfo)
鯉江>      "Return three letter code of the day of week."
鯉江>      (aref ["日 " "月 " "火 " "水 " "木 " "金 " "土 "]
鯉江>            (mhc-day-day-of-week dayinfo))))
鯉江> として逃げました。


From:  Yuuichi Teranishi <teranisi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> さん曰く
Subject: [mhc:00782] Re: current status.
Message-ID: <fzk8eufyur.wl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 12:28:12 +0900

寺> 例えば以下の設定をすると、曜日が日本語で表示されます。

寺> (defun mhc-summary/line-day-of-week-ja-string ()
寺>   (if mhc-tmp-first
寺>       (aref ["日" "月" "火" "水" "木" "金" "土"]
寺> 	    (mhc-day-day-of-week mhc-tmp-dayinfo))
寺>     (make-string 2 ? )))

寺> (eval-after-load "mhc-summary"
寺>   '(setq mhc-summary-line-format-alist
寺> 	 (append
寺> 	  '((?W (mhc-summary/line-day-of-week-ja-string)
寺> 		'face mhc-tmp-day-face))
寺> 	  mhc-summary-line-format-alist)))

ころを ~/.emacs から抜き出すと、

      (setq mhc-summary-line-format "%M%月%D%日%(%W%) %b%e %i%c%s %l")
      (defun mhc-summary/line-day-of-week-ja-string ()
        (if mhc-tmp-first
            (aref ["日" "月" "火" "水" "木" "金" "土"]
                  (mhc-day-day-of-week mhc-tmp-dayinfo))
          (make-string 2 ? )))
      (eval-after-load "mhc-summary"
        '(setq mhc-summary-line-format-alist
		'((?W (mhc-summary/line-day-of-week-ja-string)
		      'face mhc-tmp-day-face)
		  (?\( (if mhc-tmp-first "(" " ")
		       'face mhc-tmp-day-face)
		  (?\) (if mhc-tmp-first ")" " ")
		       'face mhc-tmp-day-face)
		  (?年 (if mhc-tmp-first "年" "  ")
		       'face mhc-tmp-day-face)
		  (?月 (if mhc-tmp-first "月" "  ")
		       'face mhc-tmp-day-face)
		  (?日 (if mhc-tmp-first "日" "  ")
		       'face mhc-tmp-day-face))
      (setq mhc-todo-string-heading "TODO(s) at %04d年%02d月%02d日")
      (setq mhc-calendar-day-strings ["日" "月" "火" "水" "木" "金" "土"])
      (setq mhc-calendar-header-function 'mhc-calendar-make-header-ja)


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